Brand Manager APPLY NOW

Abuja, Nigeria
Mon, Jan 30, 2023
Full time

As a Brand Manager you will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the Brand. This includes coordinating staff, monitoring staff, training staff, providing support for customers and handling company finances.

Skills needed:

·      Ability to use Microsoft office tools such as Word, Excel and Access

·      Fluent in English

·      Ability to use a Computer

·      Basic Math skills 

·      Excellent Customer service 

·      Positive attitude 

·      Great Communication skills

·      Ability to delegate tasks

·      Ability to use a Cash register

Job responsibilities:

·      Assign staff with tasks and responsibilities during shift

·      Properly resolve problems that arrive following brand values

·      Close and balance books at the end of shift

·      Maintaining a positive working environment for staff

·      Setting performance metrics for staff and ensuring those metrics are being met

Minimum Education and Experience:

·      Bachelor’s Degree in Business admin

·      1-2 years of Experience in Management

2023-01-30|||Abuja, Nigeria|||||||||r1WE7i7EsJVmKGVs|||FULL_TIME|||NGN|||MONTH|||single|||120000|||||||||false


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